The Magic-Flight Launch Box is a highly portable vaporizer designed to easily slide into your pocket, purse, or wherever. Anyone who is looking for an easy to manage vaporizer need not look any further than the Launch Box as this particular device is virtually hassle-free when it comes to maintenance. A quick cleaning with a Q-tip dipped in an alcohol cleaning solution allows for the device to be maintained on the fly. All this device requires is one AA battery. You want to ensure that your battery is high quality and fully charged as this will have an effect on your vape sessions.
When I first began writing this Magic Flight Launch Box review, I decided to take a break and quickly vaporize before I began this writing session. That's the best way to blog if you ask me. Vaporizing is a great alternative to combustion and I prefer it for the most part; though, I do occasionally utilize combustion. Seeing as you're looking for information on the Magic Flight Launch Box portable vaporizer, I should include a video review of the MFLB, so here it is:
If you're looking for a portable vape with more bells and whistles like multiple temperature settings and a heating element that sustains an even temperature, you might want to check out the Vapir NO2 or PUFFiT vaporizers.
Where To Buy The Magic Flight Launch Box Vaporizer
Anyone interested in acquiring a legitimate vaporizer for the road doesn't need to look any further than the Vapor Blunt. If you're thinking about buying a portable vaporizer that will allow you to vaporize while on the move, you have a lot of options in front of you to choose from. This is why I've tried to simplify the equation by reviewing various vaporizers on this blog to give the readers out there a clear understanding of what they're looking at on a case by case basis. With this particular vape, you're basically looking at an easily cleaned battery powered portable vape that allows for you to stir the contents using a stir knob located on the outside. The stir knob keeps you from having to open the device to stir the contents of the filling chamber.
The most unique aspect of this vaporizing device is the fact that you can buy flavored tips which are flavored infused plastic tips approved by the FDA. While they aren't necessary, they are a nice bonus feature of the Vapor Blunt.
If you're interested in buying the Vapor Blunt, you can click here to buy one online now or you can watch the following video review before you decide whether or not the VaporBlunt is right for you.
I am simply one of the many named Victor Johnson in this world, however, unlike most others: I am extremely active on the internet. A passion for web development and writing has left me with numerous blogs and websites scattered across the world wide web.
Being extremely active online often results in ridiculous blog publications such as this one which contain no real value. If you're looking for something within the confines of this particular post, you will not find it. Good luck out there in the ever expanding realm of the internet.
Come to think, the internet at this moment reminds me of the universe; constantly expanding.
I grow tired of blogging about nothing and will return to my many tasks. Take care my careful readers.
There are a lot of portable vaporizers out there, but as far as I'm aware, there's really only one that utilizes a green heating system and that's the Vapir NO2. Assuming you're unfamiliar with this device, I'll describe it to some extent. It comes with a rechargeable lithium-ion battery which is internal and can be recharged easily. When it comes to recharging the device, I would suggest you buy either the car charger addition or find an aftermarket equivalent that will work with the wall charger. Aftermarket will likely be cheaper and shouldn't be too hard to find; after all, we are using the internet, aren't we?
Once you can manage to keep your battery charged, you'll be loving this portable "green" vaporizer. The warmup time isn't bad at all and it's easy to use. What more could you really ask for in a vape?
I'm not necessarily into packing a large quantity of tobacco into any vaporizer so the small loading chamber, which is actually 15% larger than that of its precursor (please, correct me if I'm wrong!), is actually quite appealing to me and it's easily large enough to fit my own personal needs.
My only qualm, if any, is that this vaporizer isn't as small as I'd like for it to be. While it's certainly portable, I personally prefer more compact designs like the Iolite vaporizers.
If you happen to own an NO2 Vapir vaporizer, I'd love to hear what you think about yours so please drop a comment and let me know if you happen to be one of the many users of this popular vape. It's always nice to bounce the ball off the wall so I know I'm not just typing to myself so comment away if you care to.
One of the more appealing aspects of this particular unit is the fact that it's not only high quality, it's affordable. With Volcano vaporizers costing hundreds of dollars, I've seen the NO2 Vapir selling for less than two-hundred dollars (US) on the internet. In fact, as proof, I just snagged a link to GotVape where you can currently (at the time of writing) find the Vapir NO2 for less than two-hundred bucks and you can click here for proof.
That little trooper apparently requires over 6,000 cops to protect his white butt while in Mexico. Then again, with kidnappings not uncommon south of the border, it's really no surprise to find that he requires so many cops to protect him.
Justin Bieber is certainly one popular artist. His ability to transition from genre to genre is nothing short of impressive. I've seen some of his YouTube videos and he's absolutely a talented individual. That is not to say that I enjoy his music, as it's not my particular cup of tea.
Aside from the Biebster's 6,000 police officers protecting him in Mexico, I'm basically just sitting here blogging. I've not much to do so I'm reading the news to some extent. Basically, I've only been reading what's been hot over the past few days. As I've been out of touch with the news lately, I figured it was time to get back in the swing of things and see what was going on out there in the world outside of these lovely mountains.
I'm going to return to reading vaporizer reviews and see if I can't conjure some more interesting publications for this website while I'm at it.
The PUFFiT vaporizer is a unique little device in that it's not only portable, but it's actually inconspicuous. Having an appearance similar to that of an inhaler allows this vaporizer to go virtually undetected. If you're simply looking for a portable vaporizer, this magical little device could be exactly what you're looking for as it's small enough to fit into your pocket and weighs roughly a few ounces.
As far as an inhaler vape is concerned, this is THE ONE TO GET (in my opinion, haha). I say this mostly because it's the virtually the same piece I've always wanted; i.e. the one from the Idle Hands movie. I'll never forget that inhaler pipe he had strung around his neck in that horror film. It's definitely a worthwhile watch if you're into comedic horror films.
Why I Love This Sneaky Vape
What makes this stealth vape particularly interesting to me is the fact that you can easily adjust the temperature by changing between level one through eight. That's a great feature for someone like me who likes to really roast their tobacco near the end of a vaporize session.
Where To Buy
Then again, if the PUFFiT portable vaporizer isn't quite right for you, you can always check out one of the many alternatives available at
If you're really interested in buying this unique vaporizer, it is scheduled to be released during the summer of 2012, however, you can order one prior to the scheduled release date and it will be shipped on the day of release. I'm absolutely ecstatic to own one of these fabulous devices.
PUFFiT Video Review
More Vape Reviews
Do yourself a favor and read some vaporizer reviews before you runoff and buy a new vaporizer that's not exactly what you want. This way, you'll be significantly less likely to regret your acquisition. Remember, take your time and thoroughly research vaporizers in order to attain some clear insight into the world of vaporizers.
Google rules the known universe. I'm waiting for the day when Google monopolizes all aspects of technology. I can't wait to buy green energy from big G and then hop into my Google convertible and drive to Google to work. Won't that be the day?
More seriously, thanks big G for indexing the world wide web and placing it at my fingertips in a very convenient way. Thanks a trillion (dollars)!
Went cruising around the lake for a little while, taking in the scenery as we strolled on by the houses down Lake Ave. Certainly nothing short of delightful to get out in the decent weather again. New England had a rough winter without much snow and so it's definitely a pleasant surprise to stumble across moderate weather once again. This upcoming week we're looking at some really outstanding weather with sunshine and blue skies in the forecast. I can't wait. Should be an excellent opportunity to hop out on the kayak and get out on the lakes and ponds in the area. Sure do love living in the land of a thousand lakes.
While we were driving around earlier, I was smoking a cigarette while relaxing and listening to some tunes when my friend mentioned the most recent contraption that he purchased, the classic Iolite vaporizer. I'm quite familiar with these types of devices as I've often pondered whether or not one would be right for me. Then again, I'm trying to quit smoking tobacco so it's really in my best interest to refrain from buying anything that aids in my nicotine intake. It's a rough road to getting clean from tobacco after years of heavy smoking, as I've done it before. I'm thinking vaporizing isn't going to necessarily be much better for me. Then again, for those who are interested in vaporizing instead of smoking, the portable vaporizers by Iolite are quite the rage. They might even let you use one inside of a no smoking area, as you're technically vaporizing. Doubtful, but who knows!
I'm going to cut this short as I have a few matters of finance that require my attention and there's little time left in the day that I'm willing to allocate towards anything other than relaxing, as it is Sunday.
When I called California home, I couldn't stand the traffic that would congest the freeways and leave me idle for hours a day when I should have been allocating my precious time towards enjoying the company of good friends and close family. These days, the idea of traffic would mean nothing, as I reside in a desolate region of New England, were it not for the fact that I pull insane amounts of traffic to various websites across the world wide web. These days, traffic correlates with monetary gain as I'm inclined to monetize through various forms of advertising.
That said, I love traffic! Give me more! It's all about the numbers.
A lot of people write the news. These days, I dabble in the profession as I occasionally publish trending news articles on a news website which is in the top 1,500 websites in the United States (according to Alexa). We certainly pull some considerable traffic volume which makes writing somewhat entertaining as a large audience often reads my publications and offers commentary, insight, and what are often ridiculous perspectives on current issues.
I believe that when writing the news, one is essentially serving the public and when doing so, one should always leave their bias at the door. It's best to provide the facts and nothing more as this allows for the audience to assimilate the facts and come to their own logical conclusions. On that note, the facts are often shy of being what they claim as they prove temporal as stories break. Take it all in with a grain of sand, question every source, and you should be able to discern reality from fiction.
If you happen to find yourself writing as a profession, be sure to acquire the appropriate technology and furniture to accommodate your occupation. An ergonomic keyboard, mouse, and chair are often key ingredients to creating a comfortable work environment. Floor mats, footrests, keyboard and mouse trays, monitor mounts, and more are all a necessity to me and I have allocated thousands upon thousands of dollars towards acquiring the aforementioned products. Those who refrain from acquiring such technologies of comfort will likely regret their decision as back, neck, shoulder, knee, hand, and other problems often come with the occupation. Beware of carpal tunnel syndrome. Do plenty of hand exercises and such to prevent your hands from becoming crippled with the pain of CTS.
Carpal Tunnel Exercises Video:
Right now, I'm writing all of this while sitting in my extremely comfortable Aeron chair by Herman Miller (I rock the size C a.k.a. the large as I'm over 6' tall). Not only that, I'm typing away on my ergonomic keyboard, the Kinesis Freestyle with VIP accessory kit. The keyboard is essentially broken into two halves and takes some getting used to, but, it's definitely worth buying if you're a keyboard cowboy like myself.
I'm going for a short hike up to the top of a nearby mountain with a fantastic view of the nearby bodies of water. While up there, I'll be sure to snap some photographs with my Samsung Galaxy SII's amazing 8 megapixel camera (at least I think it's 8 MP). While the pictures should turn out great, I'll probably forget to post them on here. Regardless, I'm excited for the breathtaking views I'm about to witness on this fine day in New England.
For those unfamiliar with Samsung's Galaxy S2, here's a blog created entirely with the impressive cellular device: Nerd Mountain. Here's a video review of the hi-tech little phone I wield in my pocket:
When it's not looking so bright outside, I tend to stay inside the warmth and comfort of my home where I allocate considerable amounts of my free time towards staying up to date with the latest technologies around the globe. Today, I've been exploring social networking services to see what's good with the new sensations. Google Plus seems really interesting, however, it has yet to captivate friends as Facebook and Myspace. Nonetheless, I expect G+ to become somewhat popular over the years as they begin to unravel new services and features. Should be interesting to see what the old warhorse known as Google brings to the social networking table.
Expecting rain for the next some odd days, I'm going to venture down to Manchester to see if I can't find the ideal ergonomic keyboard tray setup. Until then, feel free to checkout one of my latest projects which is in reality a joint effort. The project can be see at - check it out if you haven't already.
I need to get some warm soup in my belly to kickoff my day with the energy that I need to steamroll my "to do" list. Should be a good day, I know I'm looking forward to the time off. Perhaps I shall go for a short jog, we'll see. Take care of yourself my fellow internet explorers.
Currently, I'm in the process of watching Killer Elite on Netflix for the first time in my life. As I have yet to view the entire movie, I'm going to go out on a limb and say that the movie has had a difficult time retaining my attention as it appears to simply be yet another tough guy super spy movie starring Jason Statham as the former special ops killer forced out of retirement to save the life of a friend.
While the movie is far from terrible, there's nothing particularly intriguing about the film for me. Regardless of what seems to be a poor review of the Killer Elite movie, I actually enjoy it for what it is: an action packed thriller with Clive Owen and Robert De Niro!
Definitely worth checking out if you're into action flicks and you happen to have Netflix streaming package. I love watching movies online while working on the computer. The benefit of having a triple-monitor setup! Time to return to watching this cheesy action thriller, Killer Elite.
Let me know what your thoughts on the movie were, if you happen to have seen it. Looking forward to reading your reviews!
While I'm not your typical vaporizer enthusiast, I can divulge a little information derived from past experiences with the Volcano vaporizers as I've used them for years. Originally, I became acquainted with the Classic Volcano after a friend purchased one and invited me to partake in the festivities. After experimenting with the original vape for quite some time, we eventually decided upon an ideal temperature for the best vaporizing experience. We were thoroughly impressed once we had it all figured out. It was far superior to any ordinary vaporizer systems that we had previously experimented with. This was the new age of vaping.
Next, I discovered that a digital model had been crafted and decided to acquire one for myself as I have quite fond memories of the classic. The new model, known as the Digit, is everything the original was and then some. With a large and easy to read LED display, you'll know exactly what temperature the heating element has managed to reach and you'll also be able to see and adjust your preferred temperature setting.
There are now two valve systems available, one of which is actually designed with the herbalist in mind. When buying direct from Storz & Bickel, the company behind the wonderful Volcanoes, you'll receive a number of bags and a complimentary herb grinding machine which will allow you to quickly shred your herbs, spices, or whatever it is you'd like to vaporize. The herb grinder also comes in quite handy when it comes to culinary preparation as it's always nice to integrate some fresh spices and herbs into your meals!
If you're unfamiliar with the Volcano, you should watch the following Volcano vaporizer review video to become better acquainted with the system in order to fully grasp just how impressive the Volcano series truly is.
After you've watched the YouTube video review above, you should have a clear understanding of how this outstanding series of devices work. If you're still unclear, here's one more Volcano vaporizer video review that should straighten any misconceptions out while answering any inquiries that you may have had after watching the video above.
Abake Assongba, the top Obama campaign contributor, has been accused by a Swiss businessman of perpetrating an e-mail scam that involved impersonating a bank official in order to scam the man out more than $650,000!
It would seem as if Spring arrived a bit early this year in New England as I see the grass and flowers beginning their gradual return to life, trees have begun to bud, and all of this comes to a sudden halt as the cold returns and the frost shocks the vegetation. It's strange to see an abundance of warm weather so early in the season, however, the cold that follows intermittently is nothing out of the ordinary.
With all of the fresh vegetation upon us, it's a great time to acquire whatever herbicides you will require to maintain control over the course of the year. For me, I don't require much more than your basic weed killer which I could practically concoct myself using common household supplies.
That's all for now as I've basically become obsessed with the Trailer Park Boys series and I've got to return to watching it on Netflix. If you haven't checked it out, get into it. It's certainly a raunchy comedy, but I'm strangely infatuated with it.
If you haven't seen the television series Archer which I believe was originally aired (correct me) on Cartoon Network. I've been watching it on Netflix lately which has available seasons 1 and 2. Strangely, the show appears to have a considerable amount of product placement from the boss lady's Eames lounge chair and ottoman to the Jägermeister ice-cold shot dispenser. The show itself is absolutely hilarious and definitely worth checking out if you don't mind the fact that it's a cartoon. While a cartoon, it is most certainly an "adult" themed show.
The show is definitely worth checking out, so if you have Netflix: WATCH IT NOW! In fact, I'm watching it right now while comfortably relaxing in my Herman Miller Aeron chair. Here's a video clip for your viewing pleasure...
While I realize there are quite a few Aeron chair reviews already out there, I figured it would be a wise decision to share my vast insight into the world of ergonomic chairs and back pain. After suffering for years from excessive computer use attributed to obsessive work schedule, I decided it was time to resolve my back pains and put an end to my incessant misery by acquiring a properly designed ergonomic office chair. This is my story.
In the beginning, I started out with your basic office chair which was enough until I became a heavy computer user. At that point, I realized that I would require a proper chair for which reason I invested well over $500 into an office chair that was a self-proclaimed ergonomic chair. The reality was, that chair was an awful and it was a terrible waste of money. Not nearly the investment I originally thought it to be. This is when I bought another office chair without adequately researching and investigating which chair was right for me. This resulted in me wasting well over $1,000 in chairs that were poorly designed and just ended up in some quiet corner of my home. It wasn't until I had wasted a considerable amount of money on chairs that would never be used that I decided to conduct research into ergonomic chairs in order to determine which was the most viable candidate for me.
After carefully researching various manufacturers of top of the line ergonomic office chairs, I eventually decided to visit local retail outlets in order to sit in and try a number of chairs that I had found interesting after reading a vast amount of reviews. It wasn't until I actually got a chance to sit in a bunch of these chairs that I was ever so interested in that I was able to find the one that was right for me. As it turns out, the best ergonomic chair solution for me was the Aeron chair by Herman Miller.
Aeron chairs come in three sizes and the largest, size C, is the most appropriate fit for me as I'm quite large when compared to the average human. This is perhaps one of the reasons why most other chairs don't seem to fit quite right when I sit in them, especially after sitting for a long period of time. After I thoroughly tested the Aeron and a number of other ergonomically designed chairs, I decided to go ahead and purchase the Aeron chair online.
Once the Aeron chair arrived fully assembled in a giant box, I tossed it up in my office and began configuring the countless options until I dialed the chair in just right. What helped a great deal in adjusting my Aeron chair was the following video which will explain a great deal about the Aeron in addition to explaining how to adjust the Aeron chair to fit your unique body and needs.
Pretty cool how my Google+ account integrates seamlessly into my new account! I'm pretty psyched about having another hole in the web to voice my ideas and opinions. It's nice dropping the anonymity factor and correlating my widespread online presence with my offline identity. I hope you enjoy reading what is sure to become my large repository of nonsense. Thanks for stopping by!